PowerOutage.us Products

PowerOutage.us collects, records, and aggregates live power outage data from utilities all over the United States with the goal of creating the single most reliable and complete source of power outage information available.
To support this project we sell business oriented products.

Contact Info:

All Inquiries:
[email protected]
Mastodon: @PowerOutageUS@bfs.llc
Twitter: PowerOutage_US
Discord Server: PowerOutage.us
Facebook: PowerOutageUS


The Power Outage API provides access to live power outage data at the utility, state, county, and city levels. Data is provided in GeoJSON, JSON, and CSV formats and is updated about every 10 minutes.

Map Widget

Imbed our Power Outage Map Widget into your website. It's highly customizable and fits into any website theme, with a variety of maps customized for specific states, counties, service areas, and more.

Active Alerting

Receive text messages or email alerts when major power events are occurring, enabling a faster response by your company. Useful for utilities providing mutual aid support, companies pre-staging resources for response, marketing, or even news reports.

Power Outage Reports

The Power Outage Reporting system can send you reports via e-mail, FTP, or SFTP. This can be a great way to access our data in a relatively up-to-date fashion without needing technical knowledge on how to set up an API.

Historical Data

Need historical data? We've got it! Every data point collected is also archived! Outage data can be retrieved at the utility, state, county, and city levels. Data can also be summarized in any way that meets your needs, raw data, hourly, daily, outage events, etc.
Our products can be used for many purposes, including analytics, identifying how power outages are affecting your business, identifying current grid issues, emergency management planning, help identifying and coordinating relief and response efforts, marketing power generation or backup solutions, and much more.


Licenses: Discount API Use Internal Use API External Use API Reseller
Power Outage API 40%+ discounts available for eligible organizations $1,000 / month or $10,000 / year (17% discount) $1,500 / month or $15,000 / year (17% discount) Contact for more information.
Power Outage Reports 40%+ discounts available for eligible organizations $1,000 / month or $10,000 / year (17% discount)
Power Outage Alerts 40%+ discounts available for eligible organizations $100 / month plus setup
PowerOutage Map Widget 40%+ discounts available for eligible organizations $1000 per month $1000 per month
Historical Data Depends on request, contact for info! Minimum Charge of $199.

Discount API Use - Non-profits and small businesses with 10 or less employees are eligible for a 40%+ discount on our various products. Please inquire to confirm eligibility.

Internal Use API - For organizations that plan to use our data for internal use only. Examples of internal use include marketing campaigns, business continuity, risk management, etc.

External Use API - For organizations that plan to use our data in their customer facing products, including but not limited to, alerts based on our data, displays of live power outage data via maps or data in text or other customer facing components of your business.

If you have any questions about our products, our pricing, or anything else, please reach out at [email protected]